
 Historical/ Autobiographical 

Rating: 15A

Run Time: 120 minutes

 Baz Luhrmann

Actor(s): Leonardo diCaprio, Clare Danes, Paul Rudd etc

Plot:William Shakespeare’s famous play is finally adapted into a 20th century movie. Based on the famous love story of Romeo & Juliet who are denied of their love by the deep hatred which exists between  their families- the Montagues & the Capulets. They are prepared to risk their lives to be together, with the help of Friar Lawrence but will their love defy all the odds against them?

Comments: This movie had a lot of expectations to live up to, in my opinion I personally liked the modern twist on an old classic, it was exciting, thrilling & left the audience at the edge of their seats. Leonardo & Clare are the modern day version of Romeo & Juliet, their chemistry was electric. This movie is a perfect tool for students who are finding it hard to grasp the true meaning to this story. 

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