
 Historical/ Drama/ Autobiographical

Rated: 12A

Run Time: 118 minutes

Director: Tom Hooper

Actors: Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush & Helena Bonham Carter

Plot:This documentary- esque movie follows the journey of King George VI- who suffered with a severe stammer his whole life. It has always been an issue with George, but however it becomes a major setback after the death of his father, resulting in him becoming the King of Great Britain. Desperate to be able to deliver the all – important Christmas Day greeting George looks for help in the unorthodox ways of Lionel Logue, he may not have all the certificates and qualification as the other therapists George attended over the years but he was the one person who accomplished what so many speech therapists could not achieve- he gave George the confidence and freedom to speak without stammering- the best gift ever given to King George VI.

Comments:In my opinion there was no other actor able to perform as spectacularly as Colin Firth did in this movie. His depiction of both the regal and vulnerable side of King George was mesmerising. His interpretation of the stammer was not too overplayed or false. There was a perfect amount of stammering to keep in tone with his character. The way in which the movie was directed gave the audience a chance to feel as if they were in the same room as the king. Overall a fantastic movie – both actors and director did a great day and they deserve all the awards they receive

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