
Rated: 15A
Runtime: 152 minutes

Genre: Action

Actors:  Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, & Aaron Eckhart 
Director:  Christopher Nolan 

Plot:This epic film tells the story of Batman and his war against crime. His main objective- break up all remaining criminal organisations.  With the help of Harvey Dent(Christian Bale) and Lieutenant Jim Gordan, they strive to bring peace to the city. However it has an opposite effect which sends the city into turmoil.

Comments:A modern version of an old classic,beautifully executed. There was a nostalgic sense to the movie as sadly it was the last movie which Heath Ledger starred in before his death. Nolan works his magic and creates a wonderland of imagination. The character of the joker- was played to perfection- the action scenes exciting & thrilling. It is hard to find faults with this brilliant adaptation of Batman.

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