
Genre: Drama/ Autobiographical/ Sport

Run Time: 106 minutes

Rating: 12A

Director: Sean McNamara

Actors: AnnaSophia Robb, Helen Hunt, Dennis Quaid, Lorraine Nicholson, Carrie Underwood

Plot: Teen surfer Bethany Hamilton is a champion surfer and practically lives in the sea. Until one day she loses her arm in a shark attack. Now she must re-learn how to do everything with one arm and face her fears of returning to the sea.

Comments: This film is based on a true story of Bethany Hamilton. Soul Surfer is an inspirational film about overcoming obstacles. For this film being based on a true story it has action and the story is well paced and you feel connected to the family. A bonus at the end, toy can see the real Bethany Hamilton and some home videos that were incorporated into the film.


Genre: Drama/ Autobiographical

Rating: 12A

Director: David Fincher

Actors: Justin Timberlake, Andrew Garfield & Bryan Barter

Plot :Based on the worldwide phenomenom ‘Facebook’. This movie shows the rise of the multi- million dollar success of the social network. Following the moves of Mark Zuckerberg(creator) we see the lengths he had to go to to make Facebook a success. His original idea for Facebook started off with 5 friends but soon turns into 500 million friends, but how many of those friends can he really trust?

Comments:In my opinion I believe it was a fantastic idea to create a movie about facebook- a worldwide phenomenom all around the world. I liked how the director started off with Zuckerberg & a small idea which he created after his girlfriend split up with him to the development into the success that it is today. The contrast between good and evil is a strong theme throughout this movie. Justin Timberlake portrays the character of ‘evil’ perfectly convincing Zuckerberg to make his company go global. Overall this is a fantastic movie in my opinion with brilliant actors, directing & likeliness to the original story ere to edit.



Rated: 12A

Run Time: 117 minutes

Director: Gabriele Muccino

Actors:  Will Smith, Jaden Smith & Thandie Newton

Plot:Based on the true story of Chris Gardner. This movie is both a documentary as well as a movie following the incredible person that is Chris Gardner. Chris went from rock bottom to sleeping in a train station with his son to being a multi- millionaire in the stock market. How did he do it? Perseverance & a constant smile on his face! 

Comments:This is probably one of the best movies of the century in my opinion. It is a beacon of hope for all those who suffer from hardships in life. One of the aspects that made this movie special for me was how a classic story of rags to riches was turned into a breathtakingly honest view on life itself. The relationship between Chris and his son, Christopher, was portrayed perfectly by Will Smith & his son Jaden – who made it their own. I highly recommend this movie to all those who need to be reawakened to the beauty of human nature. 


 Historical/ Drama/ Autobiographical

Rated: 12A

Run Time: 118 minutes

Director: Tom Hooper

Actors: Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush & Helena Bonham Carter

Plot:This documentary- esque movie follows the journey of King George VI- who suffered with a severe stammer his whole life. It has always been an issue with George, but however it becomes a major setback after the death of his father, resulting in him becoming the King of Great Britain. Desperate to be able to deliver the all – important Christmas Day greeting George looks for help in the unorthodox ways of Lionel Logue, he may not have all the certificates and qualification as the other therapists George attended over the years but he was the one person who accomplished what so many speech therapists could not achieve- he gave George the confidence and freedom to speak without stammering- the best gift ever given to King George VI.

Comments:In my opinion there was no other actor able to perform as spectacularly as Colin Firth did in this movie. His depiction of both the regal and vulnerable side of King George was mesmerising. His interpretation of the stammer was not too overplayed or false. There was a perfect amount of stammering to keep in tone with his character. The way in which the movie was directed gave the audience a chance to feel as if they were in the same room as the king. Overall a fantastic movie – both actors and director did a great day and they deserve all the awards they receive


Genre: Historical/ Autobiographical/ Drama

Run Time: 105 minutes

Rating: 15A

Director: Phyllida Lloyd

Actor(s): Meryl Streep, Jim Broadbent & Richard E. Grant

Plot:The story is told through the eyes of an elderly Margaret Thatcher (Meryl Streep). The movie focuses around her struggles with dementia as she speaks to the memory of her deceased husband, Denis. As she tries to come to terms with his death she recalls poignant moments in both her personal life and her life as Prime Minister. She remembers low moments such as rising taxes and abandoning her children for work to winning the war on the Falkland Islands.

Comments:This movie had the right mix to be a fantastic movie; however I must admit it just didn’t work. I found it hard to navigate through the movie, the movie tended to jump and skip from place to place. I didn’t like how the movie focused on her struggle with dementia and much of the recap on her political life contained more negative achievements than positive. Although there is no doubt the effort was there however it just didn’t work. The best thing about this movie was Meryl Streep, I was spellbound at how she was able to transform herself into the character of Margaret Thatcher, capturing her real essence and personality. It was a great effort on her part. 


Genre: Historical/ War/ Autobiographical

Run Time: 121 minutes

Rating: 15A

Director: Terry George

Actor(s): Desmond Dube,Don Cheadle, Hakeem KaeKazim 

Plot:Set in the dangerous times of civil war in Rwanda, the thrilling tale of Paul and his hotel is told. Rebels are at large in Rwanda killing innocent civilians without remorse. The most important thing on hotel owner Paul’s shoulders is the safety of those dearest to him. Risking his life he opens his hotel to help those seeking refuge from the devastation around them. 

Comments:An exciting, heart wrenching story which captures the true emotions of those during the dark days in Rwanda. George captures this heart- wrenching tale of woe by using actual footage from when the rebels were at large, this creates a sense of realism which captures the heart of all that who watch the film. Although this movie is created around a fictional hotel, the events which occurred were still true so therefore this movie is more of a documentary than a fictional story.  


 Historical/ Autobiographical 

Rating: 15A

Run Time: 120 minutes

 Baz Luhrmann

Actor(s): Leonardo diCaprio, Clare Danes, Paul Rudd etc

Plot:William Shakespeare’s famous play is finally adapted into a 20th century movie. Based on the famous love story of Romeo & Juliet who are denied of their love by the deep hatred which exists between  their families- the Montagues & the Capulets. They are prepared to risk their lives to be together, with the help of Friar Lawrence but will their love defy all the odds against them?

Comments: This movie had a lot of expectations to live up to, in my opinion I personally liked the modern twist on an old classic, it was exciting, thrilling & left the audience at the edge of their seats. Leonardo & Clare are the modern day version of Romeo & Juliet, their chemistry was electric. This movie is a perfect tool for students who are finding it hard to grasp the true meaning to this story.