
Genre: Drama/ Autobiographical

Rating: 12A

Director: David Fincher

Actors: Justin Timberlake, Andrew Garfield & Bryan Barter

Plot :Based on the worldwide phenomenom ‘Facebook’. This movie shows the rise of the multi- million dollar success of the social network. Following the moves of Mark Zuckerberg(creator) we see the lengths he had to go to to make Facebook a success. His original idea for Facebook started off with 5 friends but soon turns into 500 million friends, but how many of those friends can he really trust?

Comments:In my opinion I believe it was a fantastic idea to create a movie about facebook- a worldwide phenomenom all around the world. I liked how the director started off with Zuckerberg & a small idea which he created after his girlfriend split up with him to the development into the success that it is today. The contrast between good and evil is a strong theme throughout this movie. Justin Timberlake portrays the character of ‘evil’ perfectly convincing Zuckerberg to make his company go global. Overall this is a fantastic movie in my opinion with brilliant actors, directing & likeliness to the original story ere to edit.

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