

Rating: 12A

Run Time: 115 minutes

Director:  Garry Marshall

Actors: Anne Hathaway, Julie Andrews, Mandy Moore 

PlotMia Thermopolis is an average normal teacher. She chats on the phone to her friend until all hours talking about boys & living her average life, until one day when she is invited to tea at her estranged grandmother’s house. Within a matter of minutes Mia’s life changes forever when she finds out that she is a princess of a small European country called Genovia. Mia must now learn how to eat, walk, talk & wave like a princess, but will all this change be too much for Mia?

CommentsI have always been a fan of The Princess Diaries books since I was young so I was delighted to hear when they were making it into a movie. Anne Hathaway was the perfect actress to play Mia- she had both a goofy, soft & innocent personality which made her ideal for the role. Marshall balanced the perfect amount of humor, romance & overall transition of normal girl to princess. In my opinion this was a fantastic adaptation of the books by Meg Cabot which kept true to the actual story.

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